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Editing rules of the Review of Egyptology


General remarks :

Contributions must be provided in WORD format (in times new roman font , size 12, notes in size 10, line spacing 1.5) and in PDF format and accompanied by an abstract in French and an abstract.

Notes should be footnotes.

Artwork must be of excellent resolution and provided in a separate folder. They can be incorporated into the PDF of the article but not into the WORD file.

If necessary, the transliteration fonts must be provided by the author.

Articles in English and German generally meet the rules specific to the language of the article.

References in footnotes:

Bibliographic references should not be in the form Name, Date because there is no final bibliography.

The place of publication should not appear in the bibliographical references.

The abbreviations in force for periodicals and collections are those of the French Institute of Oriental Archeology in Cairo.   



Work not belonging to an Egyptological series cited for the first time:

G. Posener, On the Divinity of the Pharaoh , 1960, p. 30, no. 3, and 45 sq .

Work belonging to an Egyptological series cited for the first time:

G. Posener, Five bewitching figurines ( BdE 101), 1987, p. 45, § G.

Work in several volumes cited for the first time:

G. Posener, Catalog of literary hieratic ostraca of Deir el-Medina , III/1 ( DFIFAO 20), 1977, p. 1 and pl. 1, No. 1267  ,

Article in a periodical cited for the first time * :

G. Posener, RoE 37 (1986), p. 91-96 and pl. 15.

Contribution in a collective work cited for the first time:

G. Posener, dans E. Hornung - O. Keel (éd.), Studies on ancient Egyptian life teachings ( OBO 28), 1979, p. 308-316.

The title of the article is not retained except in the case of a direct link with the subject treated . It will then be presented like this:

G. Posener, “News on Kombabos”, RdE 37 (1986), p. 91-96 and pl. 15.

G. Posener, "L'Enseignement d'un homme à son fils", in E. Hornung - O. Keel (ed.), Studien zu altägyptischen Lebenslehren ( OBO 28), 1979, p. 308-316.

After the first mention of a reference, one will put for the following the initial and the name of the author followed by ibid . or op. quote . depending on the case. In case of ambiguity between several titles of the same author, we will indicate:

– for an article, the reference without the title:

Cl. Traunecker, BSFE 85 (1979);

– for a book, an abbreviated version of the title without the date:

Cl. Traunecker, Coptos . Men and gods on the square of Geb ( OLA 43), 1992, p. 50-64 (First mentioned)

Cl. Traunecker, Coptos , p. 12 (subsequent mentions)


Common abbreviations:

see (without italics) for confer  ; p. for page; not. for note; fig. for figure (English and French); pl. for board (as for plate in English, we will leave Tf. in German);

ID . for the same ; et al. for and alii ; ibid ., for ibidem ; op. quote . for opere citato ; loc. quote . for loco citato , sq. for “next page(s), i. e . for id is , e. g. for example gratia , etc. (refer in particular to the Glossary of typographical rules of the National Printing Office )

(ed.) for publisher(s); (ed.) or (eds.) in the case of an article in English, (Hg.) in German.


















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SFE is a 1901 law-type association 



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