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Below are answers to questions you may have.

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1. Why join the Association? 

Membership of the French Society of Egyptology allows you to benefit from major scientific Egyptological publications (in paper and online format, depending on the amount of your subscription). You will also be kept informed, during meetings or by email, of the latest archaeological discoveries and of all events in the field of Egyptology in the broad sense, throughout the world. In addition, you will benefit from priority visits to exhibitions.

2. Can we attend meetings if we are not a member of the French Society of Egyptology?

If you are not a member of the French Society of Egyptology, you can however attend meetings by paying the modest sum of 5 euros, to be given to one of the members of the office at the entrance to the meeting room. meeting.





Société Francaise d' Egyptologie

SFE is a 1901 law-type association 



Collège de France

11 Place Marcelin Berthelot

75231 Paris


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